April 13 Howards Grove

It was finally going to be warm enough for me to get my baby home since my move to Howards Grove, as Kevin has been storing it at his place since I did so over Easter weekend.

I left Grove with my car around 9ish and sent Kevin a route the night before to head north of and then through Horicon Marsh, then to Jugs Hitching Post for lunch, and back to Grove to drop my bike off and then hitch a ride back to Fondy on the back of his bike.

Dummy me, I did not wear anything but a t-shirt under my jacket for cooler weather and it did get quite chilly several times, since it only got into the 60s later in the day. We were actually the only bikes at the Hitching Post which was very busy and very surprising not to see at least some baggers. Lunch was great, as the food always is there. We left there going through some parts of the Kettle Moraine, but not on Scenic Drive and eventually making it to Elkhart Lake with hopes for ice cream at Gessert’s. However, they were not open for the season yet. I happened to notice while we were off the bikes, some vintage Italian motorcycles through the windows of a privately owned establishment across the street from Gessert’s, and low and behold there was also a vintage Honda RC30 race bike in there too. It was pretty difficult attempting to get a good photo of them through the windows, but hopefully after enhancing the photos you can see them (below). 

At that point we decided to get my bike over to my storage unit to build a ramp into it and to do some dry runs with me getting it into and out of the unit on my own. I, however, didn’t want to leave it there since I knew tomorrow would be even warmer and that I would be riding again then. So, from there we drove to my place and dropped off my bike with intentions of going to Scoops in Chilton for ice cream.

When we arrived at Scoops there was a black ST in the parking lot and Kevin said, well it isn’t my old bike. Haha, yes, it was! John, who bought it from him was sitting outside with his daughter. So, we sat with them while we ate our cream.

By the time we left, the winds had changed direction and picked up throughout the day, and it was getting quite chilly. It was nice to have Kevin’s heated seats at that point!

It felt so good to get back on my own ride and put in some pretty good miles for a first ride of the season! The map below shows in red the route we took with both of our bikes, and in blue is when I rode back to Fondy on the back of Kevin’s.

© Tammy Ditter 2018