Aug 15 Hartford

After my scheduled goat yoga session this morning, Kevin and I had plans to go to my sister’s in Hartford for a visit and for lunch. Although there were some isolated rain showers in our area, we opted for taking the bikes.

We decided to make a stop in Iron Ridge at The Stand for some ice-cream on our way back and to see if Kevin’s parents were home. Well, upon leaving Hartford it was somewhat chilly, overcast and misting. I stayed hunched down over my tank to keep warm and told Kevin “no" to ice-cream when we were approaching Iron Ridge.

Well after standing outside in Kevin’s parents’ driveway for social distancing, the sun came out and it got hot again. So, we did go to The Stand after leaving their place.

Not much of a ride and most certainly nothing planned in advance, but still some more time on the bike is always good and therapeutic!

© Tammy Ditter 2018