June 22 Mulberry Lane

Since my trip to Winona for Memorial Day weekend I realized after my bike had been sitting for a little over a week that I gotten some bad gas from the Kwik Trip in Sparta. The last place I gassed up and even though it had separate hose/pump for non-ethinol, it was still bad gas for a carburetor. Had the same issue several years back from gassing up at one in Mount Horeb. I tried burning it out and adding octane and Seafoam with some v-force gas from Shell, but still not running if slightly off full choke. I couldn’t keep it from puking when putting it into gear and we had a ride planned for today, so I popped on the back of Kevin’s bike. Although being a passenger is nice because you can really take in the scenery, it doesn’t provide the same amount of pleasure as being in the driver’s seat. 

Kevin knew I was really bummed since it seems like one issue after another lately with my bike has been keeping me from enjoying what I love, so he suggested we go to Mulberry Lane Farms to spend some time with their Pygmy goats. Excellent idea! It took away my blues and I had so much fun with the baby goats. I didn’t even care that they chewed holes in my top and tried eating my hair.

From there we proceeded to continue around Lake Winnebago and stopped at Ardy and Ed’s in Oshkosh for some food and ice-cream. Late start so not a longer ride, but here is the map and photos… (Sorry for the sideways ones.  My Mac doesn’t like Kevin’s Droid.)

© Tammy Ditter 2018