September 15 Oconomowoc

Woke up to rain this morning so I was glad we weren’t planning on heading out until around 10 a.m. I left shortly before that to stop by Tom & Jo’s new place. After chatting with them and getting a tour of the house we headed to meet Kevin at his place. I planned a route this morning to Oconomowoc for lunch at Ron’s Cozy Corner. We didn’t get there until around 12:45. We picked a spot by a big screen near the bar so we could watch some of the Pack vs. Vikings game. We were three touchdowns ahead and I mentioned well if we keep playing like this we won’t have to worry about missing the second half, since we should easily win. I spoke too soon! Viking’s started scoring and we weren’t looking so good. We all ordered breakfast since they serve it all day long and I always say… if they server breakfast all day, it has to be good. You really cannot go wrong when its something they serve all day and the food was very good.

Prior to Ron’s we took a bunch of roads around Holy Hill and around some lakes in the Oconomowoc area. Very pretty scenery and houses. 

When we left Oconomowoc we headed west, then north through Lebanon, Hustisford and Mayville back to Fondu. Shorter ride today vs. yesterday, but that was okay since it was cloudy, Tom’s first ride of the season and we had a long ride yesterday.

© Tammy Ditter 2018