July 17 Necedah

I planned a route heading to Necedah area today and planned a route on a bunch of back roads we’ve never been on before. Note to self: always use GPS satellite view when using maps for choosing new roads.

It was a day full of wildlife right off the bat with fawns in pairs near the side of the road, a couple of does; one which ran across the road in front of me, a woodchuck in the road looking like he was protesting the traffic, a snake, a turkey with her very young poults, and I scared up a couple of vultures eating on a dead carcass which they took part of it with them when they flew off and spattered me with blood. Then on our way home some bird flew into my left ankle and Kevin said he was toast.

Kevin had mentioned that he took out at least one road which was gravel. We purposely avoided another because it was fresh gravel for being reconstructed and I hate that kind because it is never packed down at all. Then we ran into two more, but I was okay with them because they were packed down. Since we were in potato country it was very sandy and both roads turned into just sand. The first was packed pretty good, but not the second. I got into some pretty soft and deep sand at one point which took me down. Broke my right directional off and scratched the side of the plastic with it as it ran it over. Ugh!

I took it very slow the remainder of about a mile left and was blazing hot by the time we reached Hwy 21. I dusted it and myself off a bit before we continued to our destination for lunch, Buckhorn Bar & Grill along Cty G south of Necedah. The food was good.

From there we took Cty G by Castle Rock State Park to Hwy 82 and stayed on there after it turned into Hwy 23 and into Princeton where we stopped for ice cream at The Ice Bowl. 

From there we ventured around Green Lake on Cty K to KK and then back onto Hwy 23 to home. 

A more direct route home was appreciated by me since I had my fill of adventures with wildlife, etc. for the day.

Still had a super awesome time!!!

© Tammy Ditter 2018