May 29 Rock River

It was supposed to be in the 60s eventually today and sunny, so Kevin and I planned to ride. I didn’t plan a route because I didn’t have enough time in the morning and so we just winged it only knowing we would head southwest.

We started out going through Oakfield the same as we had the past few rides. Going through Breakneck Road heading west. Then along the east side of Horicon Marsh. 

We decided to see about finding some place for lunch in Horicon and when we arrived there Kevin’s GPS called out some restaurants, including Leroy Meats. We hoped Leroy was having a brat fry and they were raising money for the local Lions Club. It was still pretty chilly at that point and we didn’t see many bikes, but as the day went on it got pretty nice.

From Horicon we went through Juneau taking a bunch of back roads ending up just north of I94 into Watertown, near Lake Mills and back through Juneau. From there we started heading north. 

The whole day pretty much involved going by, around and near the Rock River which become the back-drop for most of my photos.

Not 200 miles. However, I will be putting in quite a few miles in the next coming days, so I was a-okay with that.

© Tammy Ditter 2018