March 21 Oconomowoc

Kevin and I planned on riding again today. I was thinking heading directly south as much as possible since the wind gusts were supposed to be higher today than yesterday and from the south. With my bike’s higher profile and lighter weight, it is much more comfortable for me to ride directly into and out of high winds. Verses getting hit broadside and having to lean just to go straight.

Kevin met me here and we headed south through Oakfield and a stop in Mayville so he could gas up. From there we kept pretty much heading south with the intention of grabbing some lunch in Oconomowoc. It was bustling downtown when we arrived shortly after 1:00, but we managed to find an open spot to park to walk around to find some place to eat. We ended up at Sobie’s. They offered breakfast all day, and as I say… if they serve it all day it’s usually really good and shouldn't disappoint. So, that’s what we ordered and although it took a little longer than usual for our food, it was excellent and besides they were quite busy.

Little known fact about Oconomowoc is that it is the sight of the premier showing of The Wizard of Oz, back in 1939. Thanks Kevin Elliot for pointing that out to us!

We walked around a little bit after that before heading out with a stop for gas for me. We took Scenic Drive all the way north to Dundee and then to Hwy 45 again, like yesterday to Fondy.

Although it was completely sunny most of our way to Oconomowoc, it was much warmer heading home with the wind at our backs. We only stopped after leaving Oconomowoc near Holy Hill to take a photo. However, I could have used one more because my wrists and elbows were getting pretty sore near the end, which I guess is probably to be expected for my first 100+ mile ride of the season.

Today we put in 138 miles. It’s been a little while since I have been out already in March. Sure glad I was able to do so!

© Tammy Ditter 2018