October 27 Last Hurrah


They were predicting temps in the 50s for this weekend and today (Sunday) being the warmer and sunnier day of the two, so we planned one (probably) last ride, including topping off our tanks to winterize the bikes.

Thermal liner, lined gauntlet gloves, balaclava, thermal socks all check.

We left my place around 12:30 and headed for Anita’s Log Cabin in Oakfield for lunch and then we would see how far we would get without not really having a route planned, except to maybe go through Horicon Marsh. I was pretty cold by the time we arrived to Anita’s and wasn’t really sure how much further I could make it. Well, once we got going I wasn’t too cold and I just wanted to keep going. We made a ride through the Ledge Park outside of Mayville and continued to Campbellsport and Dundee, then a stop at Lakeside Park by Mom’s tree and bench. 

After last night’s rain there weren’t many leaves left on the trees and didn’t see much fall foliage colors.

After not thinking I would make it very far, we ended up putting in around 100 miles. We topped off our tanks at the end of the ride and put my bike up on the stand, and I also ran Seafoam through the tank with thoughts this will probably be the last ride of the season, since they’re predicting temps only in the 40s for the following week and snow. 

Always a sad day when I have to put the bike away for the season, but at least we were able to get in one more decent ride.

© Tammy Ditter 2018