May 23 West NW

Since the predicted rain for today wasn’t supposed to happen until later in the afternoon we decided to plan a ride heading west/northwest. Also because the rain was suppose to be coming from the south/southwest. I put together a route last night with a lot of back roads we haven’t been on before and for what should get us back by 4 p.m. I included going through Princeton again, so the A&W drive-thru was an option for lunch again unless the VFW was having a brat fry. Thought they might cause of the Memorial weekend, but still not. I asked Kevin to check on his phone since our next town would be Germania to see if there were any places to eat there. Duh, we have stopped at this place before a few years ago on the bikes, Longbranch Saloon and I knew they were open because I had seen them post that on Facebook. So that is where we headed for eats. There were only two other couples there and they were still enforcing eating on their deck, which was totally fine with me. We also saw quite a few different birds because of their feeders and being in the middle of nowhere. Several Baltimore Orioles too, so that was very nice and it was a perfect day to be outside anyway. 

From there we continued on County N north into and out of Lohrville. We made a stop by the Neshkoro Feed Mill and the electric powered dam for a stretch and photos. From there more back roads until connecting with County F into Berlin and then some more back roads to County M south to Pickette. Since we were making really good time I asked Kevin if we could forego the remainder of the planned route from Pickette and instead head to Oshkosh and then down along Lake Winnebago back to town, with a stop at Lakeside Park by our Mom’s tree. He said “yes” and so that is what we did. Upon arrival at Lakeside Park I noticed they had trimmed up the lower branches of our Mom’s tree. They moved my yellow roses up higher too. It looked okay, but I was really used to how it looked prior and its previous shape. We stayed there for a bit on her bench and watched some of the pelicans and then rode through the park so I could see all of the blooming crab trees along the west lagoon. So pretty!!!

Not 200 today, but there is always tomorrow, and now they’re not calling for any rain tomorrow until very late in the evening. So now to plan another route :) 

© Tammy Ditter 2018