March 14 Bowling

Our fearless leader, Dave, decided to get us together for some bowling. Which was a good idea since the temps have been unusually high, so sledding wouldn’t have been an option for this weekend.

I volunteered to take photos since I cannot bowl anymore due to my reconstructed wrist. Oh darn! ;)

Although I didn’t realize the image size was set so high on my camera and that caused my memory card to be full around halfway through, I still managed to take 500+ photos. As I know from past experience, taking photos in a bowling alley always requires some touching up and lightening because of how dark it is. So, I apologize for not taking time to name anyone in the photos, etc.

Some folks were illusive and other were just too darn quick for me to catch. I’m hoping I was able to pick through enough of them to catch everyone though.

I’m quite certain it was another fun time had by all!

© Tammy Ditter 2018