April 9 (Easter)


It was going to be the first 60+ degree day for the season after lots of rain previously to clean up the roads, and I was able to ride in the afternoon. Kevin, who had been out the past two days, agreed to wait for me since I had earlier Easter commitments. 

He met me at my place and after replacing my front directional, and a bit of to do with tries to start the bike, we were off with not destination in mind, except I decided we should head south since the winds had picked up quite a bit from that direction.

We ended up going through Oakfield and north of the Horicon Marsh, then south on Cty I to Hwy 26, pit stop at BP on Hwy 33, then onto Juneau, east and south on a bunch of back roads. I did manage to find a gravel road dropping south off of Cty E, east of Juneau where we intercepted a group of turkey hens who were going to cross the road until they noticed us and the flew across it right ahead of us.

We didn’t have any plans to stop for lunch, but I hadn’t eaten anything yet, so I decided to get some beef sticks at my second bathroom stop at a gas station (BP) in Ashippun.

From Ashippun we headed southeast and ended up just south of Holy Hill where we took some back roads east of there heading north and then through the west side of West Bend and onto Cty D to Hwy 175 north back to town.

Felt good to get my sea legs back! Only wish it wouldn’t have been so windy.

© Tammy Ditter 2018